C3 Building at GHBA Clayshoot

C3 Building Solutions News   •   December 1, 2021

C3 Houston Residential Production Builder Permits

W e had a great time at our shooting station at the GHBA Clay Shoot. The actual event date was November 17th 2021. Its was our first time at a clay shoot but our team: They caught on quick! We launched clays into the air and scored the game quite handily!

Production Builders

The majority of people we encountered at the event were production builders and were a great group and variety of people. The competition was fierce at our station. Every competitor hit at least 1 of the clays and several shooters hit all 4!

One of our conversations with a member of one of the production builders teams left us with a great idea. When fishing instead of focusing on fishing – focus on catching. We choose to “Catch” houston building permits for our clients

Our Media Man : Dwayne Casey. Got lots of photos and footage to share here including photos of the shooters and some drone footage, comfortably away from the shooting.

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